AYA032 Nicole Young- Be Yourself And Authentic, Your Photos Will Be Much Better.
Nicole Young has a very interesting journey. She discovered her love of photography in high school then for practical reason joined the Navy as a linguist. Throughout her Navy career, she kept taking photos and eventually decided to leave and go full time as a stock photographer. Her career has gone from stock photography to writing to self-publishing books and educational courses. In this episode, we cover details about how her career evolved over the years and what she is focusing on in the future.
Nicole is a full-time photographer and author, with books published through Peachpit Press (available on Amazon), and also self-published titles sold in her online store (https://store.nicolesy.com). Her photographic specialties are food, travel, and landscape, and she also creates stock images for her portfolio. Nicole loves to teach, learn and share what she knows through her blog, articles, podcasts, interviews and training materials. She is an expert in Lightroom, Photoshop, and ON1 Photo. (http://nicolesy.com)
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