Ep134 John Vespasian – Writing About Other People’s Successes and Mistakes

MEET JOHN VESPASIAN JOHN VESPASIAN is the author of ten books about rational living, including “When everything fails, try this” (2009), “Rationality is the way to happiness” (2009), “The philosophy of builders” (2010), “The 10 principles of rational living” (2012), “Rational living, rational working” (2013), “Consistency: The key to permanent stress relief” (2014), “On becoming…

Ep133 RONAN LEONARD – The Mastermind Guy

MEET RONAN LEONARD Most experts make the mistake of picking just one mode to deliver their expertise through. Accountants make money through accounting. Trainers make money from training. Chef’s cook. You get the picture. The secret to becoming a niche leader and having more revenue is to diversify how you deliver what you do. Ronan…

Ep132 Jillian Godsil – Blockchain Advocate, Broadcaster, and Writer

MEET JILLIAN GODSIL Blockchain Advocate, Founder, Conference Chair, Women in Blockchain Advocate, Keynote Speaker, Crypto Journalist, Broadcaster, CEO, Writer, Homelessness Advocate, Former European Parliament Candidate, Law Changer, Mother, Choir Member, Hill Walker, Dreamer Jillian has held senior positions with global PR companies in Sydney, Singapore, London and Dublin. She was PRO of Iona Technologies (Ireland’s…